📈Roadmap of $PORKE

Let's see our roadmap

Presale Insanity

  • Crew Rally: Kickstarting the journey with a mass mobilization of crypto enthusiasts, $PORKE aims to gather a formidable crew of like-minded individuals, ready to dive headfirst into the world of high-stakes crypto trading.

  • Savage Launch: With the energy and momentum of a tidal wave, $PORKE plans to launch its presale, promising an unbridled rush for those eager to get in at the ground level of what promises to be an electrifying venture.

  • AMA Riot: Transparency and engagement take center stage as $PORKE hosts Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions, offering a no-holds-barred opportunity to learn about the project, its ambitions, and the team behind the madness.

  • Marketing Blitzkrieg: A relentless marketing campaign is set to sweep across the digital landscape, ensuring that $PORKE's message reverberates through every corner of the crypto community.

Porke Takeover

  • Army Buildup: The focus shifts to growing $PORKE's ranks, recruiting a dedicated army of followers ready to champion the $PORKE cause across every battlefield of the crypto world.

  • Listing Invasion: With precision and strategy, $PORKE targets major listings on Coingecko and CoinMarketCap, aiming to solidify its presence and attract a broader audience.

  • Trend Hijack: Not satisfied with merely trending, $PORKE sets its sights on dominating the conversation, ensuring that its name becomes synonymous with innovation and success in the crypto space.

  • CEX Rampage: The campaign escalates as $PORKE targets major centralized exchanges (CEXs), planning to make a grand entrance that's impossible to ignore.

  • Promo Onslaught: A barrage of promotional activities is unleashed, designed to capture the imagination of the crypto world and keep $PORKE at the forefront of everyone's minds.

Meme Warfare

  • Ambassador Anarchy: $PORKE calls upon a legion of influencers and community leaders to spread the word, leveraging their reach and credibility to ignite a grassroots movement.

  • Announcement Nuclear Drop: Strategic announcements are planned to create shockwaves through the market, each one meticulously designed to elevate $PORKE's profile and entice investment.

  • Top-Tier CEX Dominance: The goal is clear: not just to list on top-tier exchanges but to dominate them, establishing $PORKE as a mainstay of the crypto trading world.

  • 10K Holder Uprising: A milestone event aimed at galvanizing the community, rallying a vast army of holders to push $PORKE to new heights and secure its legacy.

The Porkemap is not just a roadmap; it's a declaration of intent. It's a battle plan for a full-scale takeover of the crypto world, with $PORKE leading the charge. Through strategic planning, aggressive marketing, and relentless engagement, $PORKE is poised to not just enter the crypto conversation but to redefine it.

Last updated